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Welcome to Thefacebook!


[ Welcome to Thefacebook ]

Thefacebook is an online directory that connects people through social networks at colleges.

We have opened up Thefacebook for popular consumption at:

Amherst • BC • Berkeley • Bowdoin • Brown • BU • Bucknell
Caltech • Carnegie Mellon • Columbia • Cornell • Dartmouth • Duke • Emory
Florida State • Georgetown • George Washington • Hamilton • Harvard • Johns Hopkins
Maryland • Michigan • Middlebury • MIT • Michigan State • Northeastern
Northwestern • Notre Dame • NYU • Oberlin • Princeton • Rice
Rochester • Stanford • Swarthmore • Syracuse • Tufts • Tulane
UCDavis • UCF • Chicago • UCLA • UCSB • UCSD • Florida • Georgia • Illinois
UNC • Penn • USC • South Florida • UVA • Vanderbilt • WashU • Wellesley
Wesleyan • Williams • Yale
Your facebook is limited to your own college or university.

You can use Thefacebook to:
   Search for people at your school
   Find out who is in your classes
   Look up your friends' friends
   See a visualization of your social network

To get started, click below to register. If you have already registered, you can log in.


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a Mark Zuckerberg production
Thefacebook © 2004